Latest Updated Medical Apps

3 Ratings
Health & Fitness
OvuSense Cycle & PCOS Tracker
What is OvuSense™ ? OvuSense is designed for your individual health journey. It combines a health tracker app and wearable sensor, giving you the most accurate understanding of your cycle available on the market. OvuSense measures continuous Core Body Temperature (cCBT) every five minutes, with a 1/1000th of a
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 8 years ago
1 Ratings
好医工App是了解医疗器械的“新产品”、“新技术”、“新方法”的服务平台。 这里有医疗直播、行业会议、临床课程、行业数据、杂志文章...可以在好医工APP上高效率学习。 北京医师协会认定“好医工APP”为北京医师协会官方APP。 【行业直播】每年1000+场线上直播,大咖直播间、医疗行业直播,涵盖海量的行业直播内容,随时观看直播回放。 【医疗资讯】医疗行业专业媒体,精选优质内容,包含健康、医疗、生活、培训、行业热点等,用户可看感兴趣的资讯文章 【医学交流】如何快速认识全国同行?覆盖全国12700+医院,与同行交流 【医疗会议】行业会议哪里多?每年220+场线下行业会议,在线报名、购票,提前填写发票信息,现场直接领取! 【视频课程】 平台拥有5500+课件,涵盖各类学科,精彩病例,知识培训,临床课程等,为用户提供专业内容。 【调研问卷】售后服务质量如何?万余名医院设备科医工共同填写调查问卷,连续11年发布的行业数据售后调查报告供你参考; 【订阅号】帮助更多医疗同道进行知识分享、知识收益,为创作者提供优质内容生产环境,有才你就来。 【好医工·爱医】新增爱医商城,普洱茶、咖啡隆重上市!分享给亲朋好友下单后并得到返利。 【邀好友送VIP】邀请好友,免费领取“好医工VIP”,价值2.3万的行业数据报告和收费课程免费看。 【好医工报修】好医工报修系统已上线!医疗器械维修就上好医工 【联系我们】 1.公众号:好医工、中国医疗设备、大医疗、中国超声医学、国际临床工程 2.好医工官网 3.抖音:好医工
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 8 years ago
0 Ratings
-----功能亮点----- 【就医陪诊】 声智健康陪诊服务,解决需求人群就诊不便问题,提供便捷、专业、规范的陪诊体验。 【医院百科】 覆盖北京近百家医院介绍、就诊地图及就诊评价,海量医院科室就诊信息轻松知晓。 【疫苗预约】 支持一键预约多种疫苗,最新疫苗号源情况尽在掌握。 【健康档案】 支持创建和管理个人及家庭成员的健康档案。 -----免责声明----- 【声智健康App免责声明】 1、「声智健康」所提供的就诊咨询服务仅提供一般性的健康信息和建议,不作为诊断、治疗的依据,不能代替专业医疗诊断、治疗及处方。若用户以此为诊断和治疗依据,由此可能引发的任何负面影响甚至损失由用户自行负责,「声智健康」不承担任何责任。同时,「声智健康」不承担因用户未能及时获得专业医疗救助或未能遵循医生建议而产生的任何不良后果。 2、「声智健康」所提供的陪诊服务仅限于协助用户在就医过程中的陪伴、引导和必要的沟通协调。陪诊人员不具备医疗诊断、治疗或处方的权力和能力。用户在就医过程中的所有医疗决策和选择均由用户自主做出,「声智健康」不承担因用户的决策而产生的任何后果和责任。对于因用户在医疗过程中遵循或不遵循医生建议导致的任何结果,「声智健康」不承担任何责任。 3、「声智健康」所提供的疫苗预约、医院指南及健康助手等服务可能依赖于第三方机构和数据源。虽然「声智健康」努力确保这些信息的准确性和可靠性,但对于第三方提供的错误、不准确或者过时的信息,「声智健康」不承担任何责任。如因第三方原因导致用户在使用相关服务时遇到问题或遭受损失,「声智健康」将协助用户与第三方进行沟通,但不承担直接的赔偿责任。 4、「声智健康」所提供的服务是基于当前技术与条件所能够达到的水准。「声智健康」会尽最大努力确保APP的稳定运行和数据安全;但由于不可抗力、用户自身过错、政府行为或第三方的不作为等原因可能导致的「声智健康」服务延迟、运行中断、数据丢失以及其他不利后果,「声智健康」不承担任何责任。 -----联系我们----- 如果您喜欢我们的产品或者有任何建议,欢迎您随时给我们评价、留言。 官方微博: 官方知乎: 官方微信公众号:声智健康
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 10 months ago
0 Ratings
Health & Fitness
Adovos Messapica
Prenota la tua prossima donazione, le date delle tue ultime donazioni e rimani aggiornato sugli eventi dell'associazione.
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 5 years ago
0 Ratings
Sunstar GUM
Sistema para crear recetas a pacientes, generación de turnos para próximas visitas, agenda de contactos profesional.
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 2 months ago
0 Ratings
MobiHISTree Shankara
This mobile application allows physicians to manage their appointments, view & order lab, diagnostic, radiology report & medication drugs of their patients. This reduces the turnaround time for the tests and ensures timely care is provided to the patients.
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 2 months ago
0 Ratings
BreakCare+APP is a product used in conjunction with Yuwell CPAP. Users can easily obtain sleep breathing data in conjunction with Yuwell CPAP, facilitating patient self-monitoring and management. 【Disclaimers】 Before making any medical decisions using the BreakCare+application, users should consult a doctor for advice. The content provided by the BreakCare+application is for informational, personal,
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 6 years ago
11 Ratings
For Medical professionals only: MediHelp app provides medical professionals with valid & precise medical information about pharmaceutical preparations, indications, lab ranges, scientific articles, and more. DISCLAIMER: MediHelp app is for medical professionals, The app contains valid medical information from trusted sources that are cited within the app. DISCLAIMER: Users should seek
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: a year ago
38 Ratings
Health & Fitness
KAJ: #1 autism parenting app
Parenting is a beautiful journey filled with love, challenges, and endless discoveries. If you are a parent navigating the world of autism, Kaj App – Kids Autism Parenting is here to lend a helping hand. Designed with empathy and expertise, the Autism AI is not like other autism apps; it's
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 9 months ago
48 Ratings
굿닥 - 병원 접수, 병원 예약, 비대면 진료 필수 앱
병원 간편 접수/예약, 비대면 진료 서비스를 단 하나의 앱에서! 누적 다운로드 1000만 헬스케어 앱 굿닥입니다.
 ■ 병원 가기 전, 바로 접수 앱으로 접수하고 진료 순서가 가까워질 때 방문해요. 가족 추가 기능으로 우리 가족 건강도 함께 챙길 수 있어요. 실시간 병원 대기 현황도 확인하세요.
 ■ 24시간 언제 어디서나, 비대면 진료 누구나 시간, 지역 상관없이 비대면 진료가 가능해요. 간편 결제로
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 12 years ago
0 Ratings
BPMon Plus
BPMon Plus is your user-friendly companion for effective blood pressure management. This powerful yet accessible app provides all the tools you need to monitor, understand, and take control of your blood pressure. Key Features: • Simple Blood Pressure Logging: Quickly record systolic, diastolic, and pulse readings with just a few taps. • Apple
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 8 years ago
0 Ratings
BTMon Plus
BTMon Plus is your go-to companion for easy and effective body temperature monitoring. This accessible yet powerful app provides all the essential tools you need to track, understand, and manage your temperature patterns with confidence. Key Features: • Simple Temperature Logging: Quickly record body temperature readings with timestamps and optional notes. • Apple
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 8 years ago
2 Ratings
BTMon Pro
BTMon Pro is the ultimate body temperature monitoring solution for health-conscious individuals and those managing specific conditions. This professional-grade app offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to give you unparalleled insights into your body temperature patterns. Key Features: • Precise Temperature Logging: Record body temperature with accuracy up to 0.1 degree,
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 15 years ago
6 Ratings
BGluMon Plus
BGluMon Plus is your go-to companion for easy and effective glucose monitoring. This accessible yet powerful app provides all the essential tools you need to track, understand, and manage your blood sugar levels with confidence. Key Features: • Simple Glucose Logging: Quickly record blood glucose readings, carbs, and medications with just a
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 8 years ago
0 Ratings
BCMon Plus
BCMon Plus is your go-to companion for easy and effective cholesterol monitoring. This accessible yet powerful app provides all the essential tools you need to track, understand, and manage your lipid profile with confidence. Key Features: • Simple Cholesterol Logging: Quickly record total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides with just a few
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 8 years ago
2 Ratings
BCMon Pro
BCMon Pro is the ultimate cholesterol monitoring solution for individuals serious about their cardiovascular health. This professional-grade app offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to give you unparalleled control over your cholesterol management. Key Features: • Detailed Lipid Profile Logging: Record total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides with precise timestamps. • HealthKit
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 14 years ago
18 Ratings
BGluMon Pro
BGluMon Pro is the ultimate glucose monitoring companion for individuals with diabetes or those closely watching their blood sugar levels. This professional-grade app offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to give you unparalleled control over your glucose management. Key Features: • Detailed Glucose Logging: Easily record blood glucose levels, carb intake,
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 15 years ago
0 Ratings
Varilux XR series
The Varilux® XR series™ application is a lens measuring solution designed for Eye Care Professionals. To access the application, please contact your local Essilor representative.
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 8 months ago