Highest Price News Apps

193 Ratings
MixerBox Breaking News Alerts
Get all the latest headlines from breaking, trending, local, sports, entertainment, business, politics, lifestyle and more! Unlimited news from your favorite publishers all in one app! Let MixerBox ChatAI chatbot handle the summarization and reading of international news and local updates! Features: ・AI Smart Summaries: Equipped with OpenAI ChatGPT!Leading news and magazine app,
Updated: a year ago
Released: 2 years ago
7308 Ratings
Essay Writer Write For Me AI
Introducing Write For Me, the AI Writing app that lets you create masterpiece-quality writings quickly and easily! With Write For Me, you can now generate automated, AI-driven compositions right on your iPhone or iPad! Using natural language processes, the app can generate unique, interesting texts based on the topics you
Updated: 9 months ago
Released: 2 years ago
0 Ratings
ScrEad - Latest News Summaries
ScrEad (scan & read): the ideal social news app to keep up to date with the latest news. SUMMARY OF NEWS ARTICLES: With ChatGPT's advanced technology, ScrEad automatically creates summaries of news articles. This means you no longer have to spend hours reading long articles. LOCAL NEWS: DON'T MISS ANYMORE FROM YOUR AREA Don't
Updated: a year ago
Released: 9 years ago