Latest Scraped Trivia Games

3 Ratings
Mo Kung-fu
In the ancient and mysterious east, there is a mountain named Klippe. Long long ago,a hundred years old warrior came to the mountain. He lives under a giant tree on the klippe from then on. Nobody knows how tall the tree is. Please come with the warrior to challenge yourself
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 8 years ago
107 Ratings
إختبر معلوماتك
إختبر معلوماتك هو برنامج يحتوي على كم هائل من الأسئلة الخفيفة البسيطة ..كل ما عليك ان تقوم بحلها و لنرى كم ستجني من الدرجات لمنافسة أصدقاءك في لوحة الشرف .. الاسئلة تنقسم إلى أسئلة فنية أسئلة دينية أسئلة تاريخية أسئلة رياضية أسئلة علمية و يمكنك أن تختار أي نوع من تلك الأسئلة لتختبر معلوماتك
Updated: 11 years ago
Released: 13 years ago
32 Ratings
أسلقني يا معلم
لعبة أسلقني يا معلم هي أول لعبة عربية ١٠٠٪ مصنوعة من الصفر للعرب خصيصا .. هذه اللعبة تختبر معلوماتك و تتحداك في كل لحظة و تمنحك المعلومة بشكل جذاب..بل يمكنك أيضاً أن تتحدى صديق لك و تلعبا سويا كما كنا نلعب قديما نفس اللعبة على الأوراق.... حتى لو خسرت في اللعبة
Updated: 12 years ago
Released: 14 years ago
0 Ratings
Film Sound Trivia
Could you translate in en, it, es, de and fr? Dive into the world of movie magic with Film Score Trivia, the app that challenges your knowledge of iconic film soundtracks. Whether you’re a casual moviegoer or a dedicated cinephile, Film Score Trivia offers a fun and engaging way to test
Updated: 10 days ago
Released: 2 months ago
4 Ratings
Rolling Ball - Slide Puzzle -
Get the ball to the goal! A simple slide puzzle game! Move the tiles to create a path to the goal. It gets harder as you progress through the levels.
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 2 years ago
0 Ratings
Seek-Spot Mind Games
Embark on a Thrilling Adventure with Seek-Spot Mind Games! Ready for a mental challenge? Dive into the captivating world of Seek-Spot Mind Games and put your observational skills to the test! Unlock the Mystery: Challenge yourself with hidden object puzzles that will engage your mind and keep you on the edge of your
Updated: 6 months ago
Released: 6 months ago
0 Ratings
Diese App ist ein Quiz und soll auf die Prüfung Kauffrau/Kaufmann im Einzelhandel oder auch Verkäufer vorbereiten. Sie soll das spielerische Lernen fördern.
Updated: 5 years ago
Released: 5 years ago
0 Ratings
¿Loves! Sevilla la Nueva
¿Sabrías escapar del laberinto que es el amor que no mola? ¡Y en el que encima “el monstruo” lo ha dibujado una chica de tu edad! La APP ¿LO-VES! Juega, ya en su propio nombre, con esa idea de que a veces el amor (LOVE en inglés) es ciego… y nos
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 2 years ago
152 Ratings
【学认字-看图识字、认知识字卡片】是一款专为小朋友设计的识物应用,亲子早教游戏,并且深入地了解它们!各种益智游戏,习惯培养,兴趣培养, 家庭育儿益智启蒙教育必备的免费儿童游戏,互动学习,通过认字图片,让小朋友更早学会识别生活中的事物,宝宝基本认识汉字后,通过拼图增强记忆力。 颜色、影子、叫声、汉字,学习了他们,小朋友就可以借之观察事物、熟悉世界,发现物与物之间的联系。... ...从视觉听觉触觉三方面进行启蒙教育,让宝宝在游戏中轻松认知识字。 并且能让孩子在识物中,轻松掌握阅读常用汉字,早早体验自己阅读的快乐。 看图识字卡:几十种汉字卡片,玩个不停。 ●声音(中英文双语读音) ●影子 ●拼图(多种水果拼图游戏) 让小朋友在快乐中学习成长是我们的宗旨!【产品特色】 本款应用是专为小朋友设计的语言教育软件。每个认字图片 都配有精美的动画场景,帮助小朋友在认识汉字的同时学 习相对应以该认字识词,充分发挥宝宝的想象力与联 想能力,培养宝宝用联想记忆法轻松学汉字,使孩子在学 习汉字的同时又扩展了词汇量,为将来的认字识词奠定一定 的基础。 ------------------------------------ 游戏特色: *互动学习游戏 *配对游戏:针对小朋友精心设计的益智游戏,培养小朋友的判断能力。 *识字问答:考查小朋友汉字的掌握度。 *听声选物 :根据中英文双语读音选择相对的认字图片并提示选择的是否正确。 丰富有趣的产品让孩子在游戏中独立思考,自由学习,享受探索世界的乐趣。 【学认字-看图识字、认知识字卡片】---为免费版本。 • 学汉字-识字、认字,轻松完成幼小衔接,妈妈必备小朋友最爱的早教育儿启蒙游戏。 ●卡片类型分别有 野生动物、车、农场动物、食物、蔬菜、水果、数字、植物、认字图片。 专注于小朋友游戏产品的研发,根据不同年龄段孩子的成长特点,精心打造专属小朋友的产品,交互方式独特,以达到教育的目的和效果启蒙,为宝宝的童年增添了一抹亮丽的门,有利于孩子的健康身体和智力发育,智力发展和完善,在娱乐轻松的学习和成长。让孩子在数学这辆巴士上快速成长。 搜索【单车大叔】即可下载我们的所有APP了
Updated: a year ago
Released: 7 years ago
4 Ratings
Bible Love
Bible Love Dive into the ultimate Bible trivia experience with Bible Love! Test your knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and embark on an exciting journey through different levels of questions. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or just beginning to explore the Bible, our app offers a fun and engaging way to
Updated: a month ago
Released: 7 years ago
0 Ratings
¿Te atreves con el desafío del amor? ¿A ponerte nota? ¿Y a tu pareja? ¿Sois una pareja 10? ¿Sabrías escapar del laberinto que es el amor que no mola? ¿Y superar el machistómetro o el mitógrafo? La APP ¿LO-VES? Juega, ya en su propio nombre, con esa idea de
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 3 years ago
0 Ratings
Quizina is the app that have all the nostalgic games from the past + all new lightning quizzes and challenges for you and your friends.
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 3 years ago
0 Ratings
Math Invader
Math Invader is the ultimate math adventure for kids aged 7-13! Pilot your spaceship through the galaxy and shoot down asteroids by solving math problems. Choose between different difficulty levels like addition, subtraction, and multiplication to improve your skills. Main Features: - Exciting Gameplay: Shoot down asteroids by solving the math problems
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
34 Ratings
escape the dentist obby mod
This adventure escape the dentist obby game from the dentist obby, you can absolutely find what you re looking for in this obby game for robux, you're going to have a great jumping adventure. The way to play escape the dentist obby is very simple, just tap the screen so you
Updated: 7 months ago
Released: 3 years ago
0 Ratings
Be Swiss
Could you pass the Swiss naturalization process? Measure the level of your knowledge about Switzerland with ‘Be Swiss '. Quizzes are based on real questions from the Swiss government! Share your results with your friends on Twitter, Facebook or email.
Updated: 25 days ago
Released: 12 years ago
1 Ratings
看圖猜角色,追憶經典,向老戲骨們致敬!東方不敗、郭靖、楊過、喬峰、黃蓉、小龍女、張無忌、令狐沖...... 還記得那些年陪我們成長的港劇嗎? 還記得那些經典的螢幕角色嗎? 有多少個龍套角色你是有深刻印象的? 喜歡古典名著小說嗎? 喜歡金庸古龍梁羽生等的武俠小說嗎? 喜歡瓊瑤席絹等的言情小說嗎? 夠啦夠啦...... 你一定可以成為影視達人的,來開啟經典回憶的挑戰吧!!! 遊戲特色: 1、與瘋狂猜圖瘋狂猜成語等不同的過關積分玩法 2、答案有提示 3、獲取金幣的方式多樣化
Updated: 5 years ago
Released: 10 years ago
1 Ratings
看图猜电视剧单机版 - 无数热门经典电视剧等你来猜
看图猜电视剧,是一款超全面的休闲益智猜图类游戏,可以与朋友家人一起轻松玩。 美剧韩剧港剧大陆剧热门剧最新剧经典剧应用尽有,人民的名义,来自星星的你,欢乐颂,四大名著西游记水浒传三国演义红楼梦,金庸古龙梁羽生,艺术片爱情片动作片,各路帅哥美女亮瞎你双眼...... 够啦够啦,愉快地来比拼吧,看看谁看的电视剧最多...... 游戏玩法: 1、根据电视剧图片猜出该剧的名字 2、只有答对当前关卡才能进入下一关
Updated: 7 years ago
Released: 7 years ago
0 Ratings
Try the Knife-Wise quiz to test how much you know about knife crime! Do you really know what the consequences are of making a bad decision? Challenge your friends to see who is knife wise. Remember knowing the facts about knife crime could help save your life. The Knife-Wise app
Updated: 7 months ago
Released: 4 years ago