Latest Scraped Social_Networking Apps

2 Ratings
Social Networking
Updateme - Social Dating
Looking for a love that goes deeper? Introducing updateme! updateme is NYC's dating app for go-getters who want more. Find a serious connection, minus all the swiping. Here's how it works: * Whether you're into the arts, love the great outdoors, or enjoy volunteering, updateme will get to know your hobbies and
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 9 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
THE ALL IN ONE CONTACT APP Wish your contact list was always up to date? Well, by installing the Smartring app, it is. Everyone keeps their own contact information fresh and simply shares it. Just pick how you want to interact – and tap. All wrapped in a smart and effective design.
Updated: 25 days ago
Released: 4 years ago
0 Ratings
Sharp News
Sharp News is the modern way to read from the most trusted sources in news. Read the latest articles, stay up to date with breaking events, and share to your friends and favorite apps using the social post creator. Be the first to share what's happening in a beautiful format suitable
Updated: a year ago
Released: a year ago
0 Ratings
Lynn Blueprint
Lynn CampusGroups is your gateway to student involvement at Lynn University. Explore our student organizations, discover campus events, check out leadership experiences and more. With CampusGroups, you can stay up-to-date with your Co-Curricular Transcript. You can review your progress and create a plan for how you want to experience life
Updated: 5 months ago
Released: 9 months ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
myZKW News
The myZKW app brings together current news and information from the entire international group. It allows users to quickly and easily receive corporate news worldwide and around the clock through the app on their company or private phones. The app offers up to date information on the company for stakeholders
Updated: 9 months ago
Released: 3 years ago
12 Ratings
Social Networking
Twinly - Anonymous Chat
Twinly creates a bidirectional communication between you and someone, someone absolutely anonyme , but at the same time someone very close and soulmate. AI based algorithm finds a person for you to communicate with. TWINLY IS NOT A DATING APP • ANONYMITY Your anonymity is our first priority. No sign-up/sign-in needed, No personal
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 4 years ago
0 Ratings
Ontdek de kracht van directe communicatie en informatie met de MegaStores Hub! Deze app biedt toegang tot interne updates, meldingen en belangrijke informatie. Maak zelf meldingen en werk samen aan een bloeiende werkplek. Download nu en blijf altijd up-to-date in MegaStores!
Updated: 5 months ago
Released: 9 months ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
Jurgens Family
Discover and nurture relationships within the Jurgens family. Connect with your peers and stay up to date with the latest family and AJF news. Write posts, share photos and videos, be inspired, find help and contribute to positive social impact.
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 3 years ago
10 Ratings
Social Networking
Jaanu is a location-based social search mobile app that allows users to chat. The app is most commonly used as a dating app
Updated: 7 years ago
Released: 7 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
UUMPF is an Indian dating & matchmaking app that will help you find the right match. Its uniquely designed interface is user-friendly and gives you complete freedom of choice to choose a perfect match or like-minded people. UUMPF App focuses on quality and delivers excellent usability to its users which translates into
Updated: 10 months ago
Released: 2 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
Juan - Chat, Meet, Date
Our goal is to provide a trusted and convenient platform that brings people with similar interests together. Discover experiences that match your interests with Juan. Are you looking for recommendations on sports, events, do you need recommendations on places? Do you have questions about different cultures or life coaching? Juan will
Updated: 4 months ago
Released: 7 months ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
Pahara Portal
The Pahara Portal mobile app is an extension of the Pahara online community platform. This space is for Pahara Fellows to connect with one another, collaborate on ideas and questions, and to stay up-to-date on the latest Pahara news and upcoming events.
Updated: 5 months ago
Released: 5 months ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
成立近30年的春天會館,讓單身的你找到你的天菜。 春天會館多元的浪漫約會、交友聯誼、線上服務,跟單身說掰掰, 馬上參加熱血沸騰的約會吧! 選擇理想約會的對象,請進~ 春天會館成立近30年,以實體認證、安排約會、聯誼活動為主,交友網站為輔。 全台擁有六個服務據點,希望能更便利的幫助未婚單身男女拓展人際關係,並找到另一伴。 春天會館採用真人實體認證嚴格篩選會員,為單身會員做第一步把關,並藉由全台超完整、豐富的單身資料庫,讓您媒合挑選適合的交往、結婚對象。目前參加過實體活動的會員已經超過二十萬人,交往人數超過3萬,結婚超過9千對。 春天會館交友APP為寂寞單身男女找尋契合對象,能夠線上交友、安排面對面約會、相識到戀愛的交友平台。 APP主要服務與功能: ● 線上註冊:線上註冊後,安排至春天會館六個據點進行真人認證 ● 人氣會員:最熱門最受歡迎的他/她 ● 推薦會員:依照速配%推薦適合的他/她 ● 新進會員:最新認證過單身的他/她,他們等著你的關注 ● 誰關注我:誰對我有興趣、看過我、關注我 ● 互相喜歡:你們互相欣賞對方,快使用約會功能約會吧! ● 速配名單:依照您的條件,自動配對適合你的對象 ● 速配搜尋:依照地區、年齡、學歷、星座、體重、職業…來搜尋你想約會的對象 ● 主題約會:想與心儀的他見一面,室內室外各種主題約會滿足你 ● 活動花絮:害怕聯誼、約會、出遊會尷尬,看看他們的約會狀況 ● 關於春天:業界最安全的真人實體認證,近30年的經驗讓你好安心 ● 囍事見證:沾沾喜氣,看看浪漫的愛情故事,下個就是你 ● 戀愛講堂:對於愛情有諸多疑問的你,看看戀愛達人怎麼說 ● 單身測驗:有趣的測驗,讓你更了解自己的戀愛、桃花運勢 ● 服務據點:全台六大門市,幫您近距離解決問題、提供完善的服務 台北會館 (02)2381-1348 台北市重慶南路一段49號8樓 桃園會館 (03)347-5825 桃園市復興路205號18樓之三 新竹會館 (03)535-6676 新竹市自由路113號8樓之二 台中會館 (04)2326-5300 台中市台灣大道2段307號11樓之一 台南會館 (06)250-6900 台南市成功路515號8樓 高雄會館 (07)216-1988 高雄市中山二路507號5樓 春天會館幫助單身朋友創造幸福緣份為起點,以牽手一生為最終目標! 我們深知愛情的力量大,也確信這是個幸福產業。 單身的您,值得更完善的春天會館! 春天會館官方網站 交友相關詞:交友,聯誼,相親,配對,約會,愛情,姻緣,月老,婚緣,排約,社交,戀愛,talk,婚戀,date,見面,交談,拍拖,結婚,男朋友,女朋友,朋友,新朋友,單身,Match,約飯,單親找伴,感情,交往,結婚,二春,離婚,再婚,紫微占卜,星座運勢,幸福伴侶,月老,月下老人,婚姻,相約愛情,搭訕,愛情的銀行,Dating,未婚,桃花,兩性,合婚,速配,台北月老,桃園月老,新竹月老,台中月老,台南月老,高雄月老,現代月老
Updated: 5 years ago
Released: 8 years ago
1840 Ratings
Flame - Dating App & Chat
Chat, Match and Date. Meet new people on Flame and be ready for a lot of exciting connections. Flame reinvents Dating making way more fun than other apps. It's time to rate & match! How it works: 1) Sign up 2) Set up your profile 3) Get ratings 4) Match & Chat __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Flame App is
Updated: 7 months ago
Released: a year ago
3 Ratings
LETS FRINGLE! WELCOME Welcome to Fringle! Whether you’re looking for new friends, in need of a date today, or maybe just looking to chat online: We’ve got something for you here on Fringle. Find local singles, friends, or on demand dates everywhere you go, our features make finding connections fun, exciting and
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 3 years ago
9 Ratings
Social Networking
XPOGo is the communication app for XPO. This app keeps you up-to-date regarding information and news about XPO. With push notifications, you know what's going on — always and everywhere. On top of that, the app offers the following features: look at pay and benefits, access job guides, explore perks
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 2 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
This is a youth community in Singapore. Here you can go on dates, make friends, chat! And various offline activities are waiting for you to participate in!
Updated: 5 months ago
Released: 2 years ago
4 Ratings
Social Networking
Date AI
Upgrade your dating game with AI. Tired of struggling to come up with effective first messages? Date AI has the solution! Our innovative app takes the guesswork out of crafting the ideal first message and creating the perfect dating profile. AI analyzes uploaded photos and messages, providing improvement suggestions to help you
Updated: a year ago
Released: a year ago