Earliest Released Utilities Apps

20 Ratings
Complex RPN Calculator
Complex RPN Calculator is a scientific RPN calculator with a four stack whose native number is complex. You can view and enter numbers in both polar and rectangular formats. Complex RPN remembers its state between usages and has 10 memory locations.
Updated: a year ago
Released: 16 years ago
7 Ratings
Roman Nums : Converter
This app provides an easy way of converting Roman numerals into more understandable numbers and vice versa. Use it when you cannot quite work out the age of a building or to resolve disputes about the year in which a TV programme was made. To begin just choose whether you want
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
175 Ratings
LabTimer is a count-up and alarming count-down multi-timer. ***NEWS*** LabTimerPhD is now available. It has all the same functionality as LabTimer. If you like LabTimer, please consider picking up LabTimerPhD! I'll use the suggestions on LabTimerPhD for future changes. All updates will be applied to both applications. ***NEWS*** The look
Updated: 7 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
31643 Ratings
Apartment Guide Home Rentals
Welcome to the Apartment Guide iOS application! With new listings from all over the US every day use Apartment Guide to help you find your next rental home, whether you need a place in San Francisco, Houston, Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles or anywhere in between! What others are saying
Updated: a year ago
Released: 16 years ago
4 Ratings
Lucky Lotto
Updated: 5 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
5 Ratings
Webcam free
This is the free version of Webcam. ________________________________________________________________________ The application allows you to watch images of webcams using the connectivity of your iPhone and iPod touch. You can also use our growing directory of over 3000 webcams to find the one you like and add it to your favorites with a single
Updated: 8 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
11 Ratings
Right Angle
Right Angle is a calculator specializes in solving triangles & segments of a circle. To make this convenient Right Angle supports entry of lengths in metric or imperial units. When in imperial mode entry and output can be in feet, inches with decimal or inches with fractions. In metric mode meters,
Updated: 10 months ago
Released: 16 years ago
6 Ratings
iSlideRule is a fully customizable sliderule app supporting multiplication, sines, tangents, cosines, cotangents, roots, squares, logarithms, and hyperbolics. There are nearly 100 different scales supported by iSlideRule, including scales for dimensional analysis. From the set of scales provided, 12 can be selected for the top and bottom rules, as well
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
1 Ratings
Lotto Ticker
This program gives you the latest drawings and payouts for the German lottery. You can also submit supported tickets online. Manage your lottery tickets and see easily your winnings. Numbers are downloaded automatically when program starts and are available shortly after the publication. - German lottery ONLY. - 6 aus 49 - Spiel
Updated: 9 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
3 Ratings
GPS Utility
GPS Utility helps you converts between all major geographical coordinate systems. Helpful for excursionists, navigators users (TomTom, garmin, etc.), GeoCaching lovers, and google maps enthusiasts. You can convert from and to: - DMS coordinates (Degrees Minutes Second) - DM coordinates (Degrees decimal Minutes) - DD coordinates (decimal Degrees) - UTM coordinates (Universal Transverse
Updated: 5 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
433 Ratings
Knot Guide
#1 Knot App on iTunes!!! Now with 151 knots and continuous new additions! An App Store Essentials "Weekend Warriors DIY" PICK! "Wow your friends!" - APPLEIPHONEAPPS.com "...a highly recommended app with tons of utility value..." - IPHONEAPPREVIEWS.net "What's knot to love?" - "THIS OLD HOUSE" - The Hardware Isle "Knot Guide is like a
Updated: a year ago
Released: 16 years ago
6 Ratings
Calling Card
The ultimate iPhone calling card/IDD dialing application - save money when calling contacts from your iPhone by using one or more cards or carrier prefixes to get the best rates - even have the application automatically select the best card for you based on the selected number. Save money on
Updated: a year ago
Released: 16 years ago
9 Ratings
Speaker Polarity
This app is a speaker polarity tester. Find out if your speakers are wired correctly (in phase or out of phase). Test your surround speakers, stereo speakers, PA speakers, in fact any speaker with wiring terminals on the back. This speaker polarity tester was designed by the same people who built
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
36 Ratings
i41CX is the same powerful advanced programmable RPN scientific calculator as the highly acclaimed i41CX+ but without the latter’s incredibly advanced capabilities such as the printer, expansion, CAS, etc. It is functionally equivalent to the world-renowned HP-41CX and inherits all of the i41CX+ usability features including extremely responsive and
Updated: 10 months ago
Released: 16 years ago
1 Ratings
BAZI 八字詳批專業版
功能: -能精確排出八字,因為本軟體的節氣可以說是任何市面上曆法軟體最準確的。 -能排出大運 -能根據指定大運排出流年 -顯示神煞 -曆法支持1645-3000年,任何命理軟體達不到這個曆法準度要求 -支持數據庫保存功能,保存無限多記錄 -增加八字旺衰分析功能,給初學者和專業命理師提供準確的用神分析幫助,這是其他同類軟件極難做到的功能。 -增加八字詳批,含有2萬字以上的人生分析,讓你更快瞭解你的命運。 -新增加保存數據到本地的功能,以後看斷語不需要上網也能看了。 -新增電子郵件發送命盤和解釋的功能。 -增加專家斷語庫,句句都是經典,方便批命的時候作為參考之用。 -增加FACEBOOK,TWITTER共享功能,让你快速在网络上分享你的八字。 -增加五行能量餅型圖,讓你看得一目了然。 其中包括八字重量:命宮寓意:性格特徵:(測個人性情、先天稟賦、相貌、喜好等),職業財運:(測適合職業、財運等),功名官運:(測官運、學業、名氣、一生事業成就等),婚姻擇偶:(測婚姻、戀愛、看夫妻狀況),祖業遺產:(測祖父輩、遺產、家境等),家庭子女:(測父母、兄弟姐妹、子女、家庭關係等),體質健康:(測身體素質、易患疾病、肢體損傷等),有利選擇:(指導後天補救、改造命運、趨吉避凶的事項)以及每年的運氣等等。 有了這個軟體,你就可以把你身邊的親戚朋友都可以分析一遍。 ********************* 注意:有極少客戶反映升級會用不了,如果碰到這種情況,請先刪除本軟體,然後在itunes裡面重新同步一下就可以了。這操作不存在再扣費的問題。 ********************* 注意:八字詳批功能需要連上互聯網才能使用,而其它使用則不需要連上互聯網。 查找“yixian”,注意不包含雙引號,你將會找到更好更豐富的專業軟件和專業書籍。 凡購買八字,姓名,奇門遁甲,八宅任意一套軟體的客戶(注意軟體必須是YiXian Inc出品),都可以免費得到一次中國姓名大師十分鐘電話的姓名分析,不敢自吹百分百准,但是這十分鐘能讓你對中國傳統文字刮目相看,原來姓名還可以包含人生百態。詳情可以EMAIL諮詢。epzybook@hotmail.com 【號外消息】 隆重推出【星占觀心術】軟體,讓你真正一窺真正佔星學的奥妙之處。 此軟體能告訴我們一些什麼? 1. 能夠很好的詮釋你的人生目標、你的性格、你的工作興趣、你的婚姻、你的外貌等等。 2. 解決婚姻裡面,你的這些心中的疑慮: -對方是否純粹貪圖自己的外貌? -自己是否太過依賴對方? -對方是真的喜歡自己,還是因為自己的物質生活比較富裕而跟著來的? -這段關系能否長久? -會否受到外來的阻力,比如家人的反對或者環境的阻礙? -性愛方面是否協調? 3. 解決商業工作裡面,你的這些心中的疑慮: -你的員工下屬是否會出賣你?或來成就你? -你的房地產股票經紀是否旺你,能替你賺大錢? -簽署合同的良辰。 -兩間公司合並有否好處? -行政人員之間的相處情況? -究竟什麼時候交易會能順利進行? 4. 解決健康方面,你的這些心中的疑慮: -當事人的病情什麼時間容易恢復? -什麼時候容易有壓力、情緒不穩定?
Updated: 8 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
7 Ratings
VI Reference
This reference is for everyone who often has to use the Unix editor VI. It covers all aspects of using VI, like searching, editing, cursor movement, etc. Even some very exotic commands are covered.
Updated: 5 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
18 Ratings
Be sure to check out http://www.clevertangerine.com, look over the user’s guide, ask us — RCLogbook does many things that some of the reviews claim it does not (for example, logging without the timer, having to shake the device to operate the timer, etc). RCLogbook is an iOS application designed by an
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 16 years ago
25 Ratings
Tire Calculator
This automotive tire calculator will help you determine if your new tire size will be compatible with your factory or previous tire size. This application will show you before and after results for the following: * Sidewall Height, * Wheel&Tire Radius, * Wheel&Tire Diameter, * Tire
Updated: 7 years ago
Released: 16 years ago