Latest Released Utilities Apps

0 Ratings
Philips Kids Guardian
1. Positioning service: GPS+WIFI+LBS+ G-sensor multiple precise positioning, through track query, can clearly know the specific route and direction of the wearer (children and the elderly); 2. Security guard: Set a security guard area. When the wearer enters or leaves the area, the APP can receive information prompt; 3. Voice chat: Micro-chat
Updated: a year ago
Released: 2 months ago
0 Ratings
Mit dieser App können Sie als CS-Bus-Benutzer unterwegs Ihre Termine einsehen. Mobile User (Fahrer, Disponenten, etc.) können diese Termindaten mittels Internetverbindung und der mobilen Anwendung „CS-Mobile“ abrufen. Definierte Admin-User können eine Termindarstellung über alle Fahrzeuge und Fahrer abrufen (z.B. Disponenten, Geschäftsführer, etc.). Diese definierten Admin-User können sich auch alle noch frei verfügbaren Fahrzeuge für
Updated: 8 months ago
Released: 2 months ago
0 Ratings
Espaço A+ Self Storage
Através do app da Espaço A+ você cliente pode gerenciar seus contratos, visualizar suas cobranças e até mesmo abrir portas e portões do Self Storage.
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 2 months ago
1 Ratings
Trust Rhyte, Avoid Fakes
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 2 months ago
0 Ratings
悠游在線 北上玩樂資訊 更可儲分換禮物
歡迎來到「悠遊在線」——專為香港旅者量身打造的內地旅遊指南APP!我們深知每一次內地之旅都充滿了探索與發現的喜悅,因此精心設計了這款應用,讓您的旅行更加便捷、有趣且充滿驚喜。 【全面商場資訊】 即時掌握內地熱門商場的最新優惠、活動信息及品牌分布,讓您購物無憂,享受一站式購物體驗。 【個性化推薦】 利用先進的算法,根據您的興趣和偏好,為您量身推薦適合的商場、餐廳及娛樂活動,讓每一次點擊都充滿驚喜。 【積分獎勵系統】 參與簡單有趣的任務,如每日簽到、分享攻略等,即可贏取積分。積分可兌換精美禮品、商場優惠券等,讓您的旅行更加劃算。
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 2 months ago
0 Ratings
Soboce Club
SOBOCE Club es una innovadora aplicación digital que ofrece beneficios para colaboradores de la empresa. La app despliega, de una manera muy simple y amigable, todas las opciones disponibles y registra de manera automática tu ciudad según tu lugar de trabajo, aunque podrás cambiar los datos en caso de que
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 2 months ago
0 Ratings
This app facilitates and automates submitting water and waste water services through the app, in addition to viewing and managing requests, submitting self meter read services , generating reports and much more all through NDS Mobile App.
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 2 months ago
0 Ratings
Welcome to R2O
The app helps you search for and view your contacts on Rent2Own
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
0 Ratings
Kambag‘allikni Qisqartirish va Bandlik Vazirligi Dasturi Kambag‘allikni qisqartirish va bandlikni ta'minlash maqsadida yaratilgan ushbu dastur orqali O‘zbekiston fuqarolari yuz identifikatsiyasi (Face ID) yordamida tizimga kirib, e’lon qilingan ish joylariga ariza topshirishlari mumkin. Asosiy funksiyalar: - Yuz identifikatsiyasi (Face ID): Oson va xavfsiz tizimga kirish imkoniyati. -
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
0 Ratings
Aplicativo exclusivo para apartamentos da marca ATR Incorporadora. Controle seu prédio através do celular, acessando imagens do sistema de CFTV e liberando acessos.  Reserve os espaços de lazer e seja comunicado quando do recebimento de encomendas. Tenha os manuais do seu prédio e a solicitação de assistência técnica na palma da
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
0 Ratings
Ralyo is an innovative app designed for AI music enthusiasts. With Ralyo, you can subscribe to AI music libraries, create and share your own music collections, customize playback ratios, and rate your favorite tracks. Enjoy a personalized music experience while exploring diverse AI-generated tunes. Share your creations with others and
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
0 Ratings
Cenosa SST
Con la aplicación Cenosa SST puedes reportar cualquier condición insegura que encuentres dentro de tu empresa
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
0 Ratings
Segware VTR Mobile
Segware VTR Mobile é parte integrante e exclusiva do Sigma Cloud, plataforma de monitoramento remoto de alarmes da Segware. Reduza custos, diminua distâncias e gerencie as equipes na rua como se estivessem na central. Para manter as informações centralizadas, propiciar autonomia para as equipes, atingir máxima economia com insumos, enquanto ainda fornece
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
11 Ratings
Photo & Video
Fun Pic Edit是一款好用的图片编辑工具。 使用它您将可以做出酷炫、好看、好玩的图片。 特色功能: 1.裁剪图片尺寸 2.多种美观的图片滤镜 3.图片添加文字和贴纸 4.图片拍照 5.图片涂鸦 快来试试这款好玩有趣的图片工具吧!
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
0 Ratings
Cliente AM Fernandes
Com o novo app da AM Fernandes, tenha acesso aos detalhes da sua unidade, como fluxo de pagamento, cronograma da obra e informações sobre a planta e personalização.
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
1 Ratings
Flip Clock - Display Time
Transform your phone into a stunning, retro flip clock! FlipClock offers a beautiful, minimalist design that brings the charm of traditional flip clocks right to your screen. Perfect for both casual and professional settings, FlipClock is your go-to app for keeping track of time with elegance.
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
0 Ratings
Ruta Logística FH
Tracker FH es una herramienta para rastrear sus paquetes de manera rápida y sencilla a través de su número de folio. La aplicación ofrece una interfaz amigable y herramientas para asegurar que siempre sepas dónde están tus envíos y cuándo llegarán a su destino.
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
0 Ratings
Lead Mapper
Reduce your driving time by an average of 22%, allowing you to visit more clients. Create optimized routes with up to 150 stops to minimize driving time and fuel consumption. Discover your best opportunities through advanced data visualization. Filter and colorize contacts to pinpoint key prospects effortlessly. Uncover potential prospects, accounts, and
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 3 months ago