Highest Price Adventure Games

11 Ratings
Infinite Loading
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 5 years ago
1 Ratings
Airplane Adventures Pro
Awesome and beautiful 2d endless runner with airplane! Fun for whole family. No ads.
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 4 years ago
72 Ratings
Hello大家好,我是这款恐怖游戏的制作人,这是一款充满肾上腺素的恐怖冒险解谜奶奶手游,玩家老爷们将在精心设计的游戏场景中经历众多恐怖事件,希望这款游戏能给大家带来前所未有的恐惧体验,敬请游玩~ 【游戏背景】 1939年二战爆发后,纳粹德国的医生和医学家在纳粹集中营中所进行的以犹太人、吉普赛人、波兰人以及俄罗斯和其他国家的战俘为实验对象非人道的人体实验。结核实验、低温实验、芥子气试验、毒药实验等等令人瞠目结舌,在众多惨绝人寰的实验中,最为可怕的病毒试验在最核心的科学家小组中秘密进行着... 正在人体实验如果如荼的进行中时,位于纳粹德国西南部地区的某个集中营内发生了一件严重的病毒泄露事件,集中营内的的俘虏和工作人员几乎全部被病毒感染。 您将扮演作为俘虏之一的幸存者格雷,您的目标只有一个,从这个恐怖的集中营逃出去! 【游戏特色】 - 引人入胜的故事情节 - 带给你身临其境的场景 - 恐怖和紧张的可怕气氛 - 富有挑战性的解谜元素 友情提示:未满18岁的玩家请在监护人的照看下游玩,如有任何身体不适,请立刻停止游戏!
Updated: 5 years ago
Released: 5 years ago
70 Ratings
盗墓王 - 限制级恐怖游戏带你进入但丁地狱
【原创连载独立游戏第一季】 Guss和Ann是非正常墓穴研究中心AGRC的研究员,Guss奉命探索一座文艺复兴时期的欧洲墓葬群,这个任务的密级为S级(次高级)。理性的Guss之前从未出现过任何状况,但这次Guss在AGRC的紧急救助通道中请求了援助。 Ann自从2015年开始就没有接受过任何一件像样的任务,那是因为他的一次C级封锁行动中的主观判断,将事件升级为了S级,弄的上司们焦头烂额,以至于他被调到援助部门。 Ann接到援助命令火速从西安的356号城市基地赶来。 接近墓地时Ann已经感觉到了诡异的气息带来的不适,而经验告诉他欧洲的墓葬群不同于以前中国的墓室,也许会有更加诡异的现象出现。 在马上就要赶到墓园大门时,电话响了。。。 【墓道开启】 Ann使用“魄”进入墓地深处,在教堂附近找到了墓道入口,墓道深邃黑暗,Ann硬着头皮探索下去。。。 一系列奇异的景象令Ann瞠目结舌,但是为了解救Guss他必须坚持下去。 中国-欧洲-埃及,AGRC研究中心拉开全球高科技与魔幻盗墓新浪潮。三部曲的第一部现已登场,秘密将逐一被揭开,你们的鼓励让故事得以继续。 诡异的气氛包围着你,跟着神曲的指示,踏进墓园吧! 你准备好了吗?
Updated: 6 years ago
Released: 6 years ago
1 Ratings
Monster Legends: Hunted
Monster Legends: Hunted Monster Legends: Hunted, Evil Spirit of of granny came back to your town. Be Careful because evil spirt which is actually a monster and ready to attack you the actually came from graveyard and now everyone in danger Monster is trying to dominate all the forces and all
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 3 years ago
3 Ratings
Baldi Superhero Adventure
Baldi Superhero Adventure is one of the best super hero games of fighting in which you are playing the role of Baldi Flying Superhero . Fight with the Baldi Flying Superhero in gangster crime battle in the city streets and complete all the challenging levels of superhero Laser adventure. In
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 4 years ago
1 Ratings
Baldi Evil House Escape
Baldi is stuck in evil hunted house and you have to use your skills to get out from world most dangerous horror evil house. evil spirit of your enemy and rolling an armature shaft and you have to find your escape way. Only rotating leafs are there and you have
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 4 years ago
1 Ratings
Superhero Survival - War
Superhero Survival - War Super Hero City Rescue Missions is full of action and entertainment. City super hero thrilling simulator is a real challenge for the player to understand the critical situation of the innocent civilians and how much they need your help to save their life from evil forces.
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 3 years ago
0 Ratings
Baldi Tower Defence
Baldi Tower Defense is an army hero and army tapper game. Clicking war is unique kingdom attack game of load of world army for troops tap. Forces strike in Baldi Tower Defense game is modern military commando training. To become an idle squad tycoon and idle combat tycoon enjoy world
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 4 years ago
4 Ratings
Aqua Pond Adventure
Here comes the most awaited game live in the App Store, experience as Aqua Pond Adventure incredible superhero. Underwater adventure is always a mystery for human beings, either it's about mermaid or Aqua Pond Adventure. Now unveil this super mysterious life of underwater hero in this underwater survival games. Become
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 4 years ago
2 Ratings
Superhero vs kidnapers
Superhero vs kidnapers Hay Captain kidnapers mafia is active in city of Vegas and you are only last hope for innocent peoples. Kidnappers mafia is out of control and they kidnaped everyone for extortion money they are kidnapping inocent civiliens bank mangers, School bus and musch more there is too much
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 4 years ago
0 Ratings
Haunted Evil Ghost Castle
Haunted Evil Ghost Castle An Invisible evil spirt is in your town and you are on a secret mission of getting back the castle from devil forces. You are alone superhero left on the planet to defeat the evil minded king. Go in the castle and start killing the knights of
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 4 years ago
0 Ratings
Endless Batteleground
Endless Battleground In this adventures game, you are given two superheroes with supernatural powers.These superheroes help you to stop the criminals from destroying the city.Your superhero have the power to demolish anything with super laser power, have the wings to fly over the city, Super run, Super jumps, and Super punch
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 4 years ago
3 Ratings
Elastic Superhero Adventure
Elastic Superhero Adventure Innocent civilians are facing worst law and order situation of city because evil gangster mafia is fully activated in city. Flying Elastic Superhero City Rescue Missions is full of action and entertainment. Elastic Superhero Adventure thrilling simulator is a real challenge for the player to understand the critical
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 4 years ago
0 Ratings
Flip Master 2
Flip Master 2 is the most dynamic and entertaining flip diving experience ever created! Defy the laws of physics and prove yourself worthy! In this masterpiece, pull off front-flips, back-flips & gainers from high cliffs, rickety platforms, trees, castles, and trampolines! Choose from a wide range of divers. Aim for
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 3 years ago
182 Ratings
ЧИТАНИЯ. Учит читать по-русски
Даже если ваш ребенок только начинает учиться читать и первый раз видит буквы. Или если ваш ребенок знает буквы и перед вами стоит задача объяснить ему, как их превратить в слова. Или у вас уже почти читающий дошкольник, которому надо подтянуть и закрепить навык. Во всех этих случаях вам подойдет
Updated: 10 months ago
Released: 6 years ago
60 Ratings
Hakuoki: Premium Edition
“Hakuoki”- the otome game that has gained popularity not only in Japan but around the world, is now available in English! The whole story is fully voiced in Japanese by popular voice actors, and the beautiful illustrations have been perfectly ported from the PSP version! This work was the basis for the
Updated: a year ago
Released: 9 years ago
93 Ratings
Explore a world made of blocks as you gather, craft, and build to defeat the evil Dragonlord! Build everywhere from anywhere in DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS, available now on mobile. Brought to you by SQUARE ENIX! ◆ TRAVEL AND EXPLORE THE VAST WORLD OF DRAGON QUEST! In this “Block-Building RPG”, YOU are the
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 2 years ago