Latest Updated Productivity Apps

0 Ratings
Bees Academy
Bees Academy is the Training platform created for you and your store. Inside, you will find interactive courses that will help you acquire new knowledge and skills to improve the management and sales of your business. From digitization, inventory management, social networks, and MUCH MORE! Let's progress together with new knowledge.
Updated: 3 days ago
Released: 10 months ago
3 Ratings
MANAGE, WITH A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW Organize, plan, and carry out tasks effectively SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY Upload and share documents effectively to complete projects faster and without printing costs. SEE PROJECTS CLEARLY With a birds-eye-view, you gain an overall perspective of your projects as well as all your daily tasks and updates. ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE Accessiblity for
Updated: 5 days ago
Released: 8 years ago
0 Ratings
DELTAPLAN Stempel-ur
Med DELTAPLANs stempel-ur APP kan du anvende GEO lokation, så man kun kan stemple ind/ud på bestemte geografiske områder.
Updated: 5 days ago
Released: 14 days ago
4 Ratings
Memoday combines calendars and reminders in one app and focuses on people who mostly keep up with upcoming events in their work and everyday life. Memoday does not require sharing your login information and uses local calendars and existing accounts; you can always switch to using any other calendar app
Updated: 6 days ago
Released: 10 years ago
0 Ratings
Geobadge è la suite software (app + portale web) che permette di raccogliere in modo semplice e immediato le attività svolte dai tuoi dipendenti e collaboratori, ovunque si trovino. Uno strumento in cloud per rilevare le presenze, gestire nel dettaglio le attività, organizzare ferie e permessi e molto altro: tutto
Updated: 10 days ago
Released: 9 years ago
38 Ratings
抖小店商家版 - 抖小店商家移动工作台
抖小店商家版是抖店搬家工具,助力电商从业者更好的运营店铺; 平台特色功能: 1、商品爆款:每日热门的商品榜单; 2、商品搬家:多店商品搬运更便携; 【连续包月会员说明】 --订阅周期:1个月 --订阅价格:88元/月 --付款:通过用户的iTunes账户扣款,用户确认购买后即付款。 --续订:苹果iTunes 账户会在到期前 24小时内扣费扣费成功后订阅周期顺延1个订阅周期。 --取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前扣费期前至少24小时前操作,操作方法:从Home页进入[设置>点击[iTunes Store与 App Store]->点击[ApplelD],选择[查看 Apple D]->[账户设置]->点击[订阅],选择会员连续包月取消订阅即可 --自动续费协议: --隐私政策: --用户协议:
Updated: 11 days ago
Released: a year ago
0 Ratings
Loan EMI Reminder, Calculator
Get precise EMI calculations for your loans with our top-rated Loan EMI Calculator app! Whether you're planning for a home, personal, or car loan, our app offers a user-friendly interface and accurate calculations to help you manage your finances effortlessly. Key Features: * Loan EMI Calculator: Easily calculate your monthly EMIs for
Updated: 11 days ago
Released: 11 days ago
3 Ratings
Dastak App
Dastak is a KP service delivery app where you can get different Govt services easily & more quickly. Just sign-in & apply for your desired service, you will be guided by an easy-to-use interface to fill the require details.
Updated: 12 days ago
Released: 9 months ago
68 Ratings
Kimi 智能助手
Kimi 是一个拥有超长无损记忆的 AI 助手,随时为你回答问题、速读文件、整理资料、激发灵感、辅助创作。 【Kimi 功能亮点】 1. 智能搜索:搜索实时信息,迅速整合,给出详尽回答,并提供搜集到的信息来源,让对话兼具丰富性和准确性。 2. 高效阅读:长文快速摘要,打破语言壁垒,帮你精准理解文献书籍、长篇报告、复杂合同、网页长文,提供深入洞察和分析。 3. 专业解读文件:无论是金融分析、法律咨询还是市场调研,Kimi 都能以专业水准提供支持。超长文档、多个文件,都可以快速摘要、翻译、答疑,支持上传 PDF、Word、Excel、PPT、TXT 文件和图片。 4. 整理资料:无论是堆积如山的发票,还是复杂冗长的会议记录,Kimi 都能智能识别整理,自动提取关键点,让资料整理不再繁琐,信息一目了然。 5. 辅助创作:根据你提供的网页链接、文件、指令,Kimi 可以帮助你梳理大纲、续写文章、创作文案、写作周报、撰写方案,成为你的内容创作手脚架,提供无限灵感。 6. 编程助手:Kimi 可以帮你快速阅读 API 文档,定位所需信息,还可以根据你的需求生成代码、快速 Debug,覆盖 Python、C++、Java 等多种编程语言。 【Kimi 适用人群】 1. 学术科研人群:快速阅读并深入理解大量文献,用母语掌握文献的精髓,解释复杂学术概念,分析研究结果,撰写论文,回应审稿人的建议。 2. 互联网从业者:高效搜集信息,辅助竞品分析、运营策划等方案撰写,并提供洞察。 3. 程序员:辅助编程、问题解答、代码注释、API 文档阅读,支持 Python、C++、Java 等多种编程语言,帮助你学习编程、解决技术问题。 4. 自媒体与内容创作者:学习特定公众号、文件、网页链接的风格,辅助创作;快速搜集创作所需信息,提供丰富的资料与灵感。 5. 法律从业人员:高效处理大量案件资料、整理证据、梳理法律政策,协助你撰写法律文书和报告,提升工作效率。
Updated: 12 days ago
Released: 6 months ago
6 Ratings
Fyxt Maintenance
Fyxt is the first Digital Experience Platform (DXP) for commercial property operations. Fyxt connects tenants, vendors, and managers in one centralised platform.
Updated: 12 days ago
Released: 5 years ago
0 Ratings
Loop X Pocket Edition
Loop X Pocket Edition is a companion app for UK estate agents that provides them with instant access to appointment information and comprehensive property and client information. Designed to be taken on the move, Loop X Pocket Edition provides leading estate agents with the tools they need to deliver a better
Updated: 12 days ago
Released: 4 months ago
1 Ratings
【告别工具付费时代】 云相册是一款完全免费的团队共享/分享图文视频素材软件,更是微商最青睐的一款APP。 【发布素材团队轻松转发】 只要把素材发不到云相册之后,无论你有多少代理/员工,都能通过关注你进行一键分享/批量分享/全自动分享。 【云端存储,多端展示】 云相册发布所有素材永久保留至云端服务器,均为高清质量(不会模糊)支持H5,小程序,WEB,等多端展示,方便你我他 【多渠道一键分享】 发不到云相册的商品支持一键分享至朋友圈,微博,抖音,小红书,Facebook,qq,支付宝等各大社交平台。 【多渠道搬家素材】 云相册支持从朋友圈,微商相册,又拍,淘宝,天猫,百度,微博等各种渠道批量抓取,无需手动发布素材。 企业公众号:yxc-app 公众号名称:云相册App 公司官网 全国免费服务热线:400-1659909
Updated: 12 days ago
Released: 4 years ago
0 Ratings
Employee can see personal profile in this App and can put attendance via checkin/checkout option. Employee can apply leave and can see status of leave.
Updated: 12 days ago
Released: 3 years ago
0 Ratings
SIP Calculator with Reminder
The SIP Calculator with Reminder iOS app is a user-friendly and intuitive tool designed to help users plan and track their Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs). The app features a modern and clean design, ensuring a smooth user experience. Key Features: 1. SIP Calculator: * The app allows users to
Updated: 12 days ago
Released: 12 days ago
0 Ratings
Kanal adalah aplikasi Manajemen Tugas, Checklists Tugas, Absensi dan Dapat Memanajemen Karyawan di Perusahaan anda. Apa saja fitur di Kanal? *Mengelola Tugas -Menambah Tugas biasa atau Menambah Tugas yang pasti anda lakukan setiap hari -Mengubah Tugas yang anda belum anda ingin kerjakan -Menghapus Tugas yang tidak anda kerjakan -Tandai Tugas yang telah Selesai *Daftar Proyek -Tambahkan proyek yang
Updated: 13 days ago
Released: a month ago
0 Ratings
Streamline your sales with our fast and easy Point of Sale (POS) system. Efficiently manage transactions, track real-time and daily sales, top products, and quantity sold—all in one convenient app. Includes wireless receipt printing and additional date report ranges (yesterday, this week, last week, this month, last month). - Track real-time
Updated: 13 days ago
Released: a month ago
12 Ratings
BeforeSunset AI: Daily planner
The BeforeSunset AI Mobile App is designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, offering a convenient and accessible solution for efficient planning and productivity. Here's a breakdown of its functionalities: 1. Mobile To-Do Creation: - Quickly create tasks on your mobile device, ensuring you capture important items
Updated: 13 days ago
Released: 7 months ago
0 Ratings
Fama Class
Aplicativo de comunicação Fama Class. - Comunique-se diretamente com a escola pelos recados. - Encontre e seja lembrado dos eventos no calendário - Veja a rotina diária de seu filho - Receba fotos - Responda enquetes - Autorize seu filho a participar de eventos e passeios
Updated: 13 days ago
Released: 2 years ago