Latest Updated Social_Networking Apps

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Sparring Zone
Welcome to Sparring Zone: Your Gateway to Martial Excellence Are you ready to take on the challenge and level up in the world of martial arts? With Sparring Zone, you now have a platform that offers an unparalleled training experience, helps you find competitive sparring partners, and discover local talents who
Updated: 3 days ago
Released: 6 days ago
0 Ratings
TACTIC.COACH : PLANIFICATION D'ENTRAINEMENT POUR COACHS, CLUBS ET ATHLETES (Exclusivement pour la course à pied, pour le moment) RESUME DES FONCTIONNALITES EN PERSO: - Planifiez votre semaine d'entraînement (à faire / réalisés) - Suivez et adaptez votre semaine en fonction de vos contraintes. - Connectez-vous avec Strava. EN CLUB DE SPORT:
Updated: 4 days ago
Released: 5 months ago
0 Ratings
EliteX AI
EliteX AI enables influencers to create AI-driven luxury fan experiences effortlessly, fostering seamless connections with their followers. Access exclusive, in-person elite experiences conveniently in one place.
Updated: 4 days ago
Released: 4 months ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
最懂華人的直播平臺,量身定做的娛樂直播APP,匯集眾多才藝、時尚、女神、蘿莉等優質主播,壹起加入全球直播平臺,暢聊妳與主播的壹點壹滴! 特色功能 壹對壹專屬客服,全天24小時守候 主播同屏PK對戰,別出心裁的互動玩法 多人連麥互動,趣味比拼越玩越嗨 全民開播,一鍵分享傳遞美好瞬間 VIP特權,面對面暢聊,触手可及的体验 海量炫酷禮物,彰顯土豪身份 打造真實互動,真實體驗讓看播更有趣,拉近彼此的距離就在这里
Updated: 7 days ago
Released: 4 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
Zephra - Unite & Play
Zephra - Your Dodgeball Community Welcome to "Zephra," an exciting community designed for dodgeball enthusiasts! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, you'll find everything you need here. Key Features: Content Browsing: - On "Zephra," you can browse the latest dodgeball news, thrilling match highlights, training tips, and tactical analyses. Discover new content
Updated: 8 days ago
Released: 8 days ago
4 Ratings
Social Networking
来六间房直播快速找到想看的主播,在线与心仪主播亲密聊天互动,主播PK新式玩法不断,更多视频直播社交新玩法等你体验! 六间房直播一款懂你的直播APP软件,高颜值主播+同城直播平台。颜值主播想看就看!才艺达人狂欢直播,新鲜的互动玩法陪你一起嗨不停!搞笑脱口秀精彩直播不间断!不一样的直播视频玩法,送你一场不期而遇,随时随地聊天,遇见让你心动的TA!  【颜值主播 才艺超绝】 百变主播,有颜有料,小清新校花到颜值萌妹,风格百变令你眼花缭乱,更有超人气实力唱将直播献唱,动感舞蹈达人秀陪你High玩不停! 【同城主播 连麦互动】 开启同城主播模式,打造零距离互动体验,与主播连麦互动,发现身边的Ta,让灵魂不再孤单! 【全新升级 3D礼物】 全新上线3D礼物,排面十足,炫酷特效你就是全场的焦点!快来选取心动主播,为Ta加油助力! 【玩转直播 激抢豪礼】 直播间排位赛不间断!豪礼活动不停歇,霸气进场特效赞,专属守护倍儿有面儿! 【动态视频 精彩瞬间】 分享人生百态,直播精彩片段,发现真实有趣的人,和TA的故事,从点赞开始! 快来下载六间房直播,找个喜欢的主播吧~ 六间房直播联系方式: 客服电话:400-7061-888
Updated: 17 days ago
Released: 7 years ago
2 Ratings
Social Networking
GBar Scene
Know "when to go where" using GBar Scene. This app lets users rate their experience at gay bars and clubs around the world by day of the week. Never be bored at a place when one two blocks away is popular.
Updated: 19 days ago
Released: 9 years ago
0 Ratings
덕은지구 문제 해결 및 소통을 위한 지역기반 서비스 우리마을 민원제보 지역문제 소통을 위한 민원제보 기능을 제공합니다. 알쓸신잡 마을소식 우리마을의 다양한 소식을 제공합니다. 함께하는 마을챌린지 다양한 주제의 사진촬영 챌린지를 통해 소통하고 개선하는 기능을 제공합니다. 핫플레이스 우리마을에 입점한 업체를 소개하고 새소식을 제공합니다. 우리마을 홍반장 재능기부/봉사활동/공동구매 기능을 제공합니다.
Updated: 22 days ago
Released: 7 months ago
0 Ratings
Meadow Brook Leamington
The Meadow Brook Church app connects you to sermons, church life, the latest at our church and more. This app is full of practical and powerful content and resources to help you stay connected. FEATURES - Experience Meadow Brook Church live every weekend - Watch or listen to our messages anytime - Stay up to
Updated: 22 days ago
Released: 2 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
Gewerbeverein Flachsmeer e.V.
Mit dieser App sind Sie stets gut informiert über den Gewerbeverein Flachsmeer e.V. in Westoverledingen und seine Mitglieder. Flachsmeer mittendrin ... mehr Qualität... mehr Vielfalt... mehr Service. Mit dieser App sind Sie stets gut informiert über den Gewerbeverein Flachsmeer e.V. in Westoverledingen und seine Mitglieder. Flachsmeer mittendrin ... mehr Qualität... mehr
Updated: 23 days ago
Released: 9 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
Qume -- 多人視訊直播聊天室、語音派對交友房,男神女神、網紅、KOL都愛玩的多人直播平台! 社恐不知道怎樣結交新朋友?話題終結者?線上交友怕被冷落沒人理會?寂寞無聊想要找人陪伴?那你就很適合下載我們這個軟件APP-- Qume! 【语音交友,聊天派对】 多人線上語音派對,輕鬆結交新朋友;一起聽歌、遊戲、聊天、陪伴、連麥處CP!花樣派對玩法,專業才藝表演、優質聲音互動,讓你的生活更有溫度! 【真實直播,有趣互動,精彩不斷】: 24小時全天候線上直播聊天室,星座占卜塔羅、情感樹洞、談心交友、唱歌跳舞才藝、搞笑、靈異故事、線上Live House音樂派對、娛樂八卦,超多豐富娛樂内容。最多能九人同時視訊互動嗨聊、集體轟趴! 【走心交友,邂逅佳人,遇見心動】: 真人用戶、聊天秒回,匿名私聊,讓你輕鬆無負擔結交新朋友。超多互動玩法讓你自然快速與心動的正妹/辣妹/暖男/鮮肉開啓私訊,即時互動零距離!玩Qume 隨時隨地擴大你的社交圈子! 【多元話題社區】: 廣場動態:年輕人在此敞開心扉、分享生活點滴,記錄有趣小事,展示個人興趣,尋找興趣相投的靈魂伴侶、嗨聊玩伴、知心知己。 話題討論:勁爆娛樂八卦爆料、熱門話題討論、隨時隨地發現新鮮事情、分享你的看法 【Qume客服小Q 24小時全天候為你服務】: 若有任何疑問可咨詢小Q,請添加: LINE客服:qume0522 / WeChat客服:qume605
Updated: 24 days ago
Released: a year ago
13370 Ratings
linkit Q&A - by sendit
1) share your linkit on Instagram or on X 2) friends answer right on your story 3) get responses on linkit Linkit is a platform to discover and play social games to spark conversations with friends. Share out your linkit and reveal your messages as they come in. --- VIP members only: • can see hints
Updated: 24 days ago
Released: 2 years ago
1 Ratings
Social Networking
The official event app for JCC Maccabi Games Detroit! Visit for additional event information. Get more out of your event: - Full Schedule Conveniently browse the entire schedule for JCC Maccabi Games Detroit. Get the key information of your event without ever having to crack open an event guide. - Personalize your experience If
Updated: 24 days ago
Released: 24 days ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
The official event app for JCC Maccabi Games Houston 2024! Visit for additional event information. Get more out of your event: - Full Schedule Conveniently browse the entire schedule for JCC Maccabi Games Houston 2024. Get the key information of your event without ever having to crack open an event guide. - Personalize
Updated: 24 days ago
Released: 24 days ago
2 Ratings
Gowow APP
The Gowow app Connect your Account to a Gowow Bike Both Ori or Alpha and experience the thrill of adventures like never before with our Gowow app! From tracking your rides to optimizing performance, our app is your ultimate companion for conquering the road ahead discover new routes, connect with fellowriders, and unlock
Updated: 25 days ago
Released: 2 years ago
7 Ratings
Social Networking
秀色live,一款暖心的在线视频直播软件,满场高颜值主播、情义兄弟和你实时互动,每天都有好心情! 【花样直播】国风少女、百变才艺、热舞达人,精彩内容你想看的这儿都有! 【情义兄弟】守护集结令、护喜欢的人一路生花; 【炫酷排位】多人互动更有趣,pick你喜欢的主播,守护你的心动; 【动态广场】主播的高光时刻精彩回放,一时喜欢也可永久陪伴; 【潮in玩法】专属座驾、尊贵配饰、炫酷礼物引爆全场; 精彩不能停,靠近我,拥有我,和有趣的人在秀色不期而遇吧! 有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系,别客气~ Tel:4006999032
Updated: 25 days ago
Released: 5 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
THE ALL IN ONE CONTACT APP Wish your contact list was always up to date? Well, by installing the Smartring app, it is. Everyone keeps their own contact information fresh and simply shares it. Just pick how you want to interact – and tap. All wrapped in a smart and effective design.
Updated: a month ago
Released: 4 years ago
2 Ratings
Дорогой друг! «Переход в ТАК» – международная школа осознанности. Практики школы раскрывают природное умение каждого человека управлять умом, телом и жизнью в целом. Обучение, инструменты и техники помогают изменить свою реальность к лучшему через внутренние изменения. Мы создали данное приложение, чтобы объединить всех, кто влюблен в «Переход в ТАК», в едином
Updated: a month ago
Released: a year ago