Latest Updated Social_Networking Apps

0 Ratings
Social Networking
Lets Help
We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone. Let’s Help is a mobile app aimed at building a strong helping community where help seekers and help givers can connect with each other. Let’s Help app allows you to get help and give help anywhere, anytime. It allows NGO’s and social groups to broadcast
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 7 years ago
231 Ratings
Social Networking
一款为了实现真实、用心交友而设计的,陌生人交友软件。在这里,你可以通过多种维度进行筛选,寻找自己中意的人。每一个注册用户,都需要尽量完善自己的个人信息,并确保真实,从而让大家放心交友,分享开心快乐,拒绝孤独... 同时,《漂流瓶》也是一款女生优先的交友软件,女生享有主动权,避免被骚扰,从而提升整体交友氛围,方便大家真真实实的交朋友,开启一段属于你们的美好回忆。 欢迎大家下载体验,并提供宝贵意见,帮助提升软件使用体验,感谢!
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 3 years ago
0 Ratings
Influenxio 圈圈相信人人都能發揮影響力! 透過打造 AI 賦能的一站式媒合平台,連結品牌與優質創作者,讓雙方輕鬆開啟合作,你用喜歡的方式分享生活,同時賺取報酬! Influenxio 邀請所有充滿熱情的創作者加入我們。只要你擁有 Instagram 帳號並符合以下條件,就能免費註冊,開始接案: 確認你的 Instagram 帳號已設定為公開帳號。 你的 Instagram 帳號近半年內需發布 30 篇以上貼文。 Instagram 粉絲數達 1,000 人以上,就會收到合作邀請喔! 你只需盡情創作 讓圈圈幫你把影響力變成實際報酬! 1. 案子多元,只邀請最適合的你 圈圈平台上有超過 7,000 名廠商及品牌主會員,合作機會多元。更棒的是,我們會優先邀請你參與符合你創作類型的合作案,透過精準媒合,大幅提升接案成功率。 2. 合理報酬,安心創作 我們知道內容創作需要投入很多心血,所以平台上的案件皆為有酬合作,並設計有固定報價及自主報價兩種案型。固定報價案設定廠商最低合作價格,同時讓合作方式簡單易執行;自主報價案由你自行決定合作報價,廣告主接受報價金額即自動啟動合作。 3. 流程簡單,一站完成 從尋找品牌合作機會、報名報價到合作案管理,以及合作開始後的與廠商溝通聯絡、審稿功能和提領款項等步驟。所有流程皆能在平台上一站完成,省時又簡單! 4. 安全又快速的付款方式 完成合作後,報酬會自動轉入你的圈圈帳戶錢包。我們與通用全球的第三方金流 PayPal 合作,同時支援台灣當地銀行的現金提領,隨時隨地線上提領報酬,安全又便捷!
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 3 months ago
19 Ratings
Social Networking
منصة محلي
منصة التواصل للأحياء السعودية - شوف تغطيات الأنشطة التجارية وتواصل معهم - اسأل الناس في الحي عن اي شي - اطلب اي خدمة وبتحصل احد ينجزها ان شاء الله مجانا وبدون اي عمولات وغيرها الكثير! حياكم الله جميعاّ
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 3 years ago
0 Ratings
Nieustannie scrollujesz telefon?! Ile czasu już tak straciłeś?! Cierpią na tym Twoje relacje? Czujesz się samotny? Zmień to! Pobierz naszą aplikację i przekuj swoją słabość w sukces. Daj się poprowadzić w licznych kursach i zaczynaj każdy dzień od Słowa Bożego. ODWAŻNI.PL to aplikacja stworzona z myślą o mężczyznach, którzy chcą wzrastać i budować silne i
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 10 months ago
0 Ratings
My Tata Consumer
The My Tata Consumer AI-powered employee experience platform enables organizations to deliver personalized experiences that inspire and engage employees. The My Tata Consumer unified employee experience platform will help you: - Stay on top of important company updates, strategy, news, and events so you’re always ‘in-the-know’ - Intelligently
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 2 months ago
29 Ratings
Social Networking
Hartna - حارتنا
Hartna It is a local social media network for neighborhoods and small communities that contributes to boost the connection between neighbors, residents, and visitors. It is also a platform for them to share relevant topics, discussions, stories, inquiries and requests as well as their feedback on nearby restaurants, shops, events,
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 4 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
Whatscan - Whats Scan
Whatscan - What Scan, The Ultimate Dual Account Manager App! Whatscan is the best tool to seamlessly manage multiple accounts on a single device. Whatscan enhances your privacy by allowing you to hide your online last seen status, hide blue ticks, disable read receipts, and view your friend's status privately.
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 5 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
Techous Messenger+
Techous Messenger+'a hoş geldiniz! Techous Messenger+, Techous Messenger ile sevdiğiniz her şeyi üst seviyeye çıkarır. Güvenli Techous Messenger+'da gönderdiğiniz bütün mesajlar (yazılı, resim, video vb.) uçtan uca şifrelenmektedir. Gönderdiğiniz mesajları üçüncü parti uygulamalar veya Techous Plus göremez. Sesli ve Görüntülü Arama Techous Messenger+ ile arkadaşlarınızla yüksek kalitede sesli veya görüntülü aramalar gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. iOS Arama
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 3 years ago
5 Ratings
Social Networking
Uki是一个「很正常」的年轻人交友、恋爱、互相陪伴的社交App,一个让「有趣」「正常」的灵魂相互发现、相互连接的社交舞台。花几十秒完善交友需求资料,人们在这里匹配到更契合的好友、知己或心动CP。 功能介绍: - 即时匹配: 通过文字或语音的匹配,Uki让你与世界各地的人即时互动,无论是深夜的倾诉还是午后的闲聊,总有人在这里等你,爱恋的种子在这里悄悄萌芽。 - 语音派对: 加入多人语音房,与朋友们一起享受即兴聊天的乐趣,或是在鹅鸭杀、桌球、你画我猜等桌游中尽情娱乐,让社交更加生动有趣。 - 认真扩列: 完善你的个人信息和交友期望,Uki帮你找到真正合适的人。互相了解,互相喜欢,然后开始你们的故事。 - 分享广场: 在Uki广场,分享你的生活瞬间,发现他人的精彩故事,每个人的生活都值得被赞。 - 附近好友: 探索你周围的世界,找到附近的好友,让社交不再受限于空间和距离。 使用场景: - 随时随地,找到陪伴和支持 - 邂逅心动,来一场甜甜的恋爱 - 生活圈子太小,想找兴趣相投的朋友尽兴交流 - 记录生活,无压分享,看看陌生人的朋友圈 在找个正常人都不容易的时代,无论你是文艺大学生、刚入职场的打工人亦或是创业精英,在Uki都能找到属于你的位置~ 如果你喜欢Uki,别忘了给我们打分和评论哦~ 如您使用遇到问题,请在App内反馈 或发邮件给我们 或联系客服专线:021-60952873 【Uki会员自动订阅说明】 服务名称:Uki会员自动订阅 价格:18元/月 购买连续包月会员的账号,会在每个月到期前1天,自动在iTunes账户扣费并延长1个月会员有效期。 如需取消订阅,打开手机【设置】,进入【Apple ID、iCloud】,点击【订阅】,找到想要取消的订阅服务,进入后点击取消订阅即可。 《订阅服务协议》: 《会员服务协议》: 《用户服务协议》 《用户隐私协议》
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 7 years ago
1 Ratings
Social Networking
「主人公はあなたの大事なぬいぐるみ」 ふわもこSNSはぬいぐるみ向けのSNSです。 ぬいぐるみだけの世界で新しい出会いを楽しもう。
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 5 years ago
2 Ratings
Welcome to Poteau, the essential app for all soccer enthusiasts! Join over 50,000 players who use Poteau to organize and participate in soccer games all around the world. What you can do with Poteau: Organize and join games • Find and join public games near you, anytime. • Create your own games and invite other players to
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 7 months ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
BASE - Certify Soft Skills
BASE is currently an invite-only app: Use BASE to measure, showcase and certify your soft skills by openly communicating with others (friends, classmates, group exec/members, etc.) for anything official! Everything that you do on BASE - every message and interaction - translates to a fraction of your official profile (certificate of
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 6 years ago
0 Ratings
Location Tracker: Track Phone
Find My Family - Phone Tracker – Your Ultimate Solution for Family Safety and Connectivity! • Real-Time Location Tracking Stay informed about the whereabouts of your family members with the app's advanced GPS tracking system. Effortlessly monitor their locations in real-time, ensuring everyone's safety and making it easier to coordinate plans. • Create
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 8 months ago
7 Ratings
Social Networking
秀色live,一款暖心的在线视频直播软件,满场高颜值主播、情义兄弟和你实时互动,每天都有好心情! 【花样直播】国风少女、百变才艺、热舞达人,精彩内容你想看的这儿都有! 【情义兄弟】守护集结令、护喜欢的人一路生花; 【炫酷排位】多人互动更有趣,pick你喜欢的主播,守护你的心动; 【动态广场】主播的高光时刻精彩回放,一时喜欢也可永久陪伴; 【潮in玩法】专属座驾、尊贵配饰、炫酷礼物引爆全场; 精彩不能停,靠近我,拥有我,和有趣的人在秀色不期而遇吧! 有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系,别客气~ Tel:4006999032
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 5 years ago
57 Ratings
对啊课堂是由对啊网出品的可移动在线学习平台,为学员提供考证学习辅导,覆盖多种学习科目,满足不同职业的学习,包含了会计、金融、经济师、自考、考研、职称类多种考试类型,提供系统班、视频课、公开课、在线题库、教材课件、家庭作业、答疑等多样教学服务。 [上岸计划]: 不论你是学习初级会计职称、中级会计职称、注册会计师CPA、税务师、中级经济师、自考、考研、办公软件等自由切换科目练习~ [在线题库]: 历年真题模考,感受真实的模拟考试,更有定制化提分,助你查缺补漏;根据考点、考频、难度等智能出题,匠心打造智能题库,丢分盲点,错题练习,考前训练~ [公开课]: 在线上课,常考知识点,热点资讯,考试动态,历年真题讲解,互动教学,个性化辅导;教师考试对手多?赶快对啊看课程;IT职场技能弱?快来对啊看课程;国考竞争激烈,就来对啊看课程; [答疑服务]: 学员的交流平台,可以发布学习经验、考试心得,遇到疑难问题可以发帖求助,老师在线为你解答。可以在答疑里看到老师发布的优选文章,了解学习小知识和考试相关信息。
Updated: 2 months ago
Released: 9 years ago
5 Ratings
We are pleased to announce that official TCS App is now available for the use of all registered The City School ( students and parents. The App provides useful self-service features including Student Progress Reports, Library Records, Fee Challan, Notifications etc. To register, please use your TCS registered roll number and
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 2 years ago
0 Ratings
Social Networking
Streetpass is an app for finding dates and making friends in the real world. You're matched only with people you pass by throughout your day, even while your phone is asleep. Setup your profile, chat with new people, and collect streetpasses everywhere you go.
Updated: 3 months ago
Released: 8 months ago