Most Relevant Finance Apps

0 Ratings
Market Junkie Mobile
Market Junkie - Your investments always up to date With Market Junkie you can easily manage you stock portfolio and keep an eye on the market. Intuitive management, integrated stock search and charts (intraday and longtime) make your life and investment easier. And with the our additional Pro Services you have access
Updated: 7 years ago
Released: 9 years ago
53 Ratings
Regroup Poker Tools & Charts
Regroup Poker Tools a suite of tools for poker enthusiasts to improve their game and enjoy their time at the table. * Keep Track of Your Poker Income The best way to become a better player is to know how you're doing. Regroup is the fastest way to track your wins and
Updated: a year ago
Released: 2 years ago
1 Ratings
engineering economics
"engineering economics" is a little bit of economics for the engineer, for the times when the technical path crosses the other side. Engineering Economics started out as an introductory course to Industrial Engineering; it's now also taught in systems engineering curriculums. In some curriculum, it's also required for those declaring engineering
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 14 years ago
2878 Ratings
Alipay - Simplify Your Life
Alipay is a leading open platform for payments and digital services in China. Users with a Chinese ID and bank account can use Alipay to make payments online and in person at various merchants outside of China as they travel for leisure, business, or study. Foreign visitors to China can connect
Updated: a year ago
Released: 15 years ago
1 Ratings
GEN 365
Savor our offerings that make affordable your pursuit of the very best Taste, Journey, and Living. The application offers for its users discounts for the sought-after restaurants and coffee shops and exclusive hotels and leisure groups in the country, all the while promoting the modern urban lifestyle with discounts on
Updated: 10 months ago
Released: 10 years ago
9 Ratings
『財經、地產、時事及生活資訊』 本地、中國、環球宏觀經濟、數據分析解讀; 即時金融財經消息、新經濟股、當炒股、增長股、價值股、潛力股、新股IPO、業績公布、大行報告、板塊比較、追揸沽策略; 恒生指數、股價走勢變動; 中美形勢、中美關係、大灣區、ESG資訊、投資理財知識; 地產樓市走勢、新盤、二手成交消息,搜羅全港18區筍盤; 時事社會新聞; 家庭、健康、親子及娛樂資訊; 培育Band 1子女教育升學資訊、湊仔百科全書、小學試題; 全日不斷24小時不斷; 最準、最快、最齊全、最精要,易讀易明; 『港股報價 組合表現追蹤』 即時報價、手機即時接收心水股「重要新聞」、「到價/異動通知」、隨時監察股票變化; 一按即睇「報價」、「新聞」、「業績報告」、「政府政策」、「大行報告」、「板塊比較」,助你決策; 易睇易用,賺蝕成績一覽無遺; 『hket tv獨家視頻』 專家精闢分析及見解,盡在hket財經台、地產台、家庭台、健康台; 最新金融行情、市場焦點熱話、投資策略部署、專家即時解答問股,逢港股交易日直播 ; 湊仔百科、追星訪談、健康診症、烹飪技巧定時送上; 『社群』 設有『親子谷』及『投資谷』。隨時交換家庭及投資心得; 『實用理財生活工具』 新盤IPO、存息格價、樓按計算機、上車攻略、健康修身器、小學試題等實用工具,全面照顧你的投資理財及生活需要 『個人化專區』 會員專區:提供會員驚喜優惠、禮物及獨家活動; 電子書:熱門專題電子書,內容包括投資理財、地產樓市及生活小百科; 自選新聞專題內容:加入個人感興趣的新聞專題內容,更快更易查閱 『訂戶專享』 設有『今日焦點』、『熱門』及『即市分析』頁面 hket 投資 : 個股追蹤板塊透視,緊貼熱門話題,即時深入分析市場拆局; hket 名家 : 滙聚財金猛人專訪及專欄,網羅中外大行研究報告; hket 知識 : 7大範疇財金知識,組圖詞彙解說; hket 報章 : 文字版閱讀全份《香港經濟日報》報章內容及隨報周刊《置業家居》; 『貼心功能』 低頻寬模式 : 節省流動網絡數據,極速閱讀純文字資訊。 夜間模式 : 按閱讀環境,隨時切換「日間」或「夜間」模式,享受最佳閱讀體驗。 書籤全互通 : 為喜愛的文章加入書籤,方便日後翻閱。所有書籤可以跟桌面電腦版及電子報 App 互通使用。
Updated: a year ago
Released: 13 years ago
1 Ratings
iMoney智富雜誌 揭頁版
《iMoney智富雜誌》為經濟日報集團旗下成員,2007年成立,每周追蹤投資市場焦點、文章深入分析、名家專欄精闢解讀。 記者遠赴海外實地採訪,捕捉最貼身關心的環球經濟投資大趨勢。另一方面提供生活化、貼身務實的投資理財建議。 本港最具國際視野的知識型投資理財雜誌,為讀者達至財務自由必讀。一書兩冊,逢星期六上架。 iPhone與iPad應用程式揭頁版 App,提供全份雜誌內容原版上載,並設離線閱讀、我的精選、截圖與分享等,可瀏覽即期及訂閱期內所有期數。 新版本將為您帶來更佳閱讀體驗與多項增值功能 : 1. 閱讀體驗 : 加強內容顯示系統及放大比率,揭頁反應更流暢,操作更容易。 2. 增值功能 : 離線閱讀 - 下載內容 (建議以 Wi-Fi下載) 後可作離線閱讀; 我的精選 - 標籤心水內容,方便日後重溫; 社交分享 - 結合剪報與 Facebook 分享功能,可儲存剪報內容或分享予 Facebook 好友; 連線診斷 - 即時偵查連線問題。
Updated: 5 years ago
Released: 13 years ago
0 Ratings
iMoney智富雜誌 – 文字版
《iMoney 智富雜誌》推出首個iPhone文字版應用程式,讓你任何時候,任何場地,掌握全面的財經資訊,內容包括:大市分析、名人專訪、環球走勢、地產要聞、名家專欄、理財專題等。 【功能及特色】 ‧ 每期精選十大推介文章 ‧ 提供下載功能,方便離線閱讀 ‧ 自由調校字體大小,配合不同閱讀習慣 ‧ 設「相關文章」,方便分段延伸閱讀 《iMoney 智富雜誌》為香港最暢銷財經周刊,屬香港經濟日報成員,一書三冊,內容以投資創富資訊為主,兼備營商、職場及進修等多元化題材,提供生活化、貼身務實的投資理財建議,以滿足「求知、求真、求富」新世代對財經資訊的要求。每周追蹤市場焦點、搶先披露第一手資訊,更經常遠赴海外實地採訪,剖析港人最關心的環球經濟投資大趨勢,是本港最具國際視野的知識型投資理財雜誌。
Updated: 7 years ago
Released: 11 years ago
0 Ratings
Be the hero of your own finances today with Budget Hero. Take control of your financial goals, track your spending, and save your hard-earned money.
Updated: 5 years ago
Released: 5 years ago
0 Ratings
Where's The Money?
"Where's The Money" is the app to track your expenses and income. Interactive reports will help you find out trends in your financial habits. Use voice recognition to quickly enter the data; share it with friends and family via iCloud sharing. Data is stored in iCloud, protected by Apple and synchronised with all
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 3 years ago
36921 Ratings
Mortgage by Zillow
Financing a home can be complicated. We’re here to help. Homeownership may be closer than you think. Use Zillow calculators to find out what you can afford, and gain control of the home-finance process with live, customized mortgage rates from multiple lenders, all in one place. Find a local lender
Updated: 6 years ago
Released: 13 years ago
0 Ratings
Bank X Mobile 4
Das Programm Bank X Mobile ist eine Software zum komfortablen Online-Banking mit dem iPhone oder iPad. Es ist das Pendant zu Bank X für macOS. Es unterstützt alle modernen Funktionen des iOS wie Touch ID und Siri, kann außer Überweisungen auch Lastschriften und Daueraufträge erzeugen und auf Aktiendepots zugreifen. Mit Bank
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 5 years ago
1 Ratings
房贷计算器(独立数字键盘) - 公积金买房、新房二手房贷款、按揭还款
## 点开即用,你生活中的计算利器 ## 一款小巧实用的房贷计算器,附有一个独立数字键盘,供您高效输入。 使用方式:输入贷款金额、利率、期限,即刻算出利息,支付总额、每月还款等多项数据。 贷款类型:公积金贷款、商业贷款、组合贷款 还贷方式:等额本息、等额本金 每月还款表:详细展示出每月偿还的本金/利息/还款额。
Updated: 9 years ago
Released: 9 years ago
0 Ratings
Browser and Stock Widget
Want to improve your notification center panel? This app will display everything you need! This application configures which information can be displayed and how they are presented. You can also improve displayed informations with advanced settings. If any error occur theapp will display a courtesy message, so using this application you
Updated: 8 years ago
Released: 9 years ago
0 Ratings
Calculator Currency2
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 6 years ago
0 Ratings
Your Best Option
If you want to have Your Best Option in price for your groceries, now you can. With a good internet connection, in this version it allows you to search items in up to 9 different supermarkets and compare the prices. Also, you can save a shopping list for each supermarket
Updated: 8 months ago
Released: 4 years ago
0 Ratings
Your Best Option USA
If you want to have Your Best Option in price for your groceries, now you can. With a good internet connection, it allows you to search items in up to 26 different supermarkets and compare the prices. Also, you can save a shopping list for each supermarket and get the
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 3 years ago
1 Ratings
SaveForCar - save for dreamcar
SaveForCar brings your dream car a little closer! With SaveForCar you can choose your favorite car from more than hundreds of cars and put it on your personal list. Here you can see how much money you still have to save to buy your car. Represented car brands include: - BMW - Mercedes
Updated: 4 years ago
Released: 4 years ago