Most Relevant Magazines_Newspapers Apps

4 Ratings
Milk Decoration
MilK Decoration est un magazine haut de gamme, dont la vocation est d'inspirer les jeunes familles contemporaines, urbaines, cosmopolites et connectées en matière de styles et de décoration. L'œil expert de la rédaction décryptera des scènes d'intérieurs et présentera les nouveautés déco & design avec fraîcheur, comme étant les jouets
Updated: a year ago
Released: 10 years ago
0 Ratings
15 countries, 122 newspapers. The main newspaper of UK, USA, Italy, Canada, Brazil, France, Australia, Spain, Germany, Netherland, Argentina, Hong Kong, India, Ireland and Singapore. Once you select the news you want, the app will load it(them), and you can read it vertically; once done with the first newspaper, just
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 2 years ago
0 Ratings
iToim апп танд Монгол Улс болон дэлхий дахинд өрнөж буй гол үйл явдлуудын учир шалтгаан, чухал мэдээллүүдээс хоцрохгүй байх боломжийг олгоно. iToim-ын мэргэжлийн редакц зөвхөн найдвартай, анхдагч эх сурвалжаас мэдээллийг баталгаажуулдаг. Улс төр, эдийн засаг, технологи, нийгмийн сэдвүүдээс гадна нийтлэлчдийн анализ, тусгай сурвалжлагуудыг iToim+ танд хүргэх болно.
Updated: 10 months ago
Released: 2 years ago
22 Ratings
Horse & Hound Magazine INT
For committed horse lovers everywhere Horse & Hound is the horse world's Bible. Boasting two Olympic gold medallists, a Grand National winner and two European champions among our columnists, we bring readers exclusive news stories, reports and the most educated, insightful commentary and analysis in the business – plus fabulous
Updated: a year ago
Released: 11 years ago
2 Ratings
Le 1 hebdo
Le 1 hebdo : une question d’actualité, plusieurs regards. Depuis sa création en 2014, le 1 hebdo approfondit chaque semaine un thème unique lié à l’actualité. Sa démarche est ouverte : il puise son inspiration dans toutes les disciplines, de la littérature à l’histoire, de la philosophie à la géopolitique, en
Updated: a year ago
Released: 3 years ago
4 Ratings
L'OPINION, LE MEILLEUR MOYEN D'AVOIR LA VÔTRE Lancé en 2013 par le journaliste Nicolas Beytout, l’Opinion propose chaque jour sur son site internet et son édition imprimée, un regard expert sur l’actualité. D’orientation libérale mais ouvert au pluralisme d’idées, l’Opinion se concentre exclusivement sur l’actualité politique, économique et internationale, avec une approche
Updated: 9 months ago
Released: 11 years ago
67 Ratings
L'Obs, le magazine
Cette application est la liseuse numérique du magazine L’Obs. Retrouvez L’Obs, ses suppléments et ses hors-séries directement dans votre application mobile. Téléchargez-la dès maintenant pour bénéficier de tous vos avantages abonnés où que vous soyez ! A l’heure où l’information en continu s’invite dans votre quotidien à chaque instant, nous
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 14 years ago
0 Ratings
HP De Tijd
HP/De Tijd volgt de politieke en culturele trends nauwgezet en houdt een vinger aan de pols van de maatschappij. De redactie verbindt zich niet aan welke politieke of maatschappelijke beweging dan ook, maar bericht altijd onafhankelijk, scherpzinnig en waar kan met humor.
Updated: 10 months ago
Released: a year ago
0 Ratings
1Almere - Nieuws uit Almere
Nieuws voor Almeerders, door Almeerders. Dat is 1Almere. Met de nieuwe 1Almere-app blijf je de hele dag op de hoogte van al het Almeerse nieuws. Ons doel is om Almeerders te bereiken met nieuws dat dicht bij hen staat, doet nadenken en waar over gepraat wordt in de stad. In
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 2 years ago
23 Ratings
Model Airplane International
Always packed with the latest kit previews, full kit builds and how-to features Model Airplane sets the standard for modelling excellence and photography. Every issue has superb kit builds with how-to sections to help improve your modelling skills. The very latest releases and industry insider news on accessories and upcoming
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 14 years ago
8 Ratings
Magazines & Newspapers
F100 Builder's Guide
The first all-classic Ford truck magazine directly from the editors of Street Trucks! This special feature focuses on ‘61-‘83 Ford F-series trucks. The Ford F100 is one of America's most recognized classics among truck enthusiasts and customizers. The F100 Builder’s Guide provides the latest and greatest aftermarket parts in the industry along with well-documented feature stories about lowered, lifted and air ride-adjustable suspension trucks that
Updated: a year ago
Released: 5 years ago
0 Ratings
Messaggero Veneto
Tutte le notizie e le storie dall'Italia e dal mondo a portata di mano. L'applicazione Messaggero Veneto ti offre, in un unico luogo, tutti contenuti di cui hai bisogno per informarti in ogni momento della giornata: notizie aggiornate in tempo reale, inchieste e approfondimenti, video, audioarticoli e altri contenuti multimediali,
Updated: a year ago
Released: 13 years ago
2 Ratings
Il Fatto Quotidiano
La nuova applicazione del Fatto Quotidiano aggiunge al tradizionale sfoglio del PDF una nuova modalità di consultazione interattiva del giornale, arricchendolo con approfondimenti, contenuti multimediali e un layout ottimizzato per il tuo dispositivo. Scarica gratuitamente la nuova app del Fatto Quotidiano e scegli l’abbonamento che preferisci. Scopri il piacere di sfogliare
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 10 years ago
0 Ratings
Enduro Magazine
Australia's leading mountainbike publication for the xc/trail/enduro market. Run by riders, for riders, Enduro Magazine’s editorial and photographic team are as diverse as its readership: we are the hairy and shaved legged, we are the beer drinkers and protein-shake-consumers, we are the racers and weekend-warriors, we are the whippets and cruisers,
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 10 years ago
0 Ratings
Magazines & Newspapers
The best newspaper in which to find all the news, events, exhibitions and innovative research on the world of plastic. The app supports numerous platforms from which it takes data and searches. Check out the latest news on the world of plastics stay updated in one click. Participate in all the fairs and
Updated: 5 years ago
Released: 5 years ago
0 Ratings
Dinheiro Rural
Receba a Dinheiro Rural direto no seu iPad. A melhor revista do agronegócio brasileiro oferece a você reportagens exclusivas sobre temas relacionados a negócios, economia, finanças, tecnologia e estilo no campo. No aplicativo, você vai encontrar entrevistas e opiniões de quem mais entende de agronegócio no País. As assinaturas são renovadas
Updated: a year ago
Released: 10 years ago
0 Ratings
World News: Breaking headlines
Search through hundreds of millions of articles in 14 languages from 55 countries Our application "World News: Top and breaking headlines" organizes articles about current events in the world, making it easier for you to find what interests you. The news is updated throughout the day so you have easy access to
Updated: 3 years ago
Released: 3 years ago
25 Ratings
Hawaii Business Magazine
Respected/Inspiring Hawaii Business is the longest-running regional business magazine in the United States and one of the best. Established in 1955, Hawaii Business engages its readers by covering the major economic and business issues in the Islands, and providing useful information to owners, executives and ambitious young people building their
Updated: 2 years ago
Released: 12 years ago